HERE ARE THE THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU DO YOUR CALCULATIONS: (don't worry - if you need an example, I will provide one below the calculation walkthrough!)
- length x width of your area: _____________
that is your total SQUARE FEET
- we know that 1 bale covers 45 square feet
Step 1. (TOTAL SQUARE FEET divided by 45 = __________)
Step 2. That sum = The total number of Bales you need to cover the area
Step 3. BALE COUNT X 4.95 = __________
(Take the number of Bales you need and MULTIPLY by 4.95
(the price per bale))
(the product of this gives you the total price prior to tax and delivery)
Step 4: (Now we calculate tax and delivery)
(previous # x .07)
The product of this will show you how much tax we add.
Step 5.Take that product and add it to your original total price for all bales. This is your total price plus tax. Now we add delivery (if you're choosing delivery. If you're choosing install. Skip to step 7)
Step 6. Add $35 Flat. Total up. Place your order :)
Step 7. Installation is $3.25 per bale, so we would multiply 3 x your bale count and add that to your total thus far and then place your order! Delivery is included in your order.
Example of calculations.
Julie is wanting to order pine straw to cover a 20 x 30 area in her back yard.
Her total square footage is 600.
600 square foot area divided by 45 = 13.3 bales so we would round up to 14 bales
14 bales at 4.95 each would cost her 69.30 before tax
7% sales tax on $69.30 is $4.85
so her total prior to delivery/install would be $74.15
She chooses to have her bales installed.
So that's $3.25 per bale. She has 14 bales installed.
that's $45.50 added to her bill.
She is now at $119.65.
She places her order with the office and her straw is installed and her and her HOA is so impressed, she is a repeat customer for years to come :)